Communicatie (Use Case): Personaliseer interacties voor specifieke klant groepen

While TaxDome isn't a marketing platform, it lets you plan and personalize communications for specific client groups. With filters and bulk actions, you can create targeted strategies to promote relevant services. This article covers the steps for setting up targeted communications and provides examples of practical use.

Voordat u begint

The general flow of using TaxDome for targetted communication consists only of filtering the client list and sending a bulk communication to all of them. So, knowing how to set up the right filters is important.

The best practice for filtering clients that allows you the most precision is filtering them by tags. This will allow you to filter them by the service you're providing (e.g., '1040' or 'Bookkeeping'), by their type (e.g., 'Small business owner' or 'Self-employed'), their status (e.g., 'Prospect', 'New client' or 'Returning client') or by their priority (e.g., 'VIP'). 

If you haven't tagged your clients yet, you can filter your existing clients by pipeline and apply a tag based on the service you're providing to them. That would be a good starting point! For example, you can assign the '1040' tag to all clients in the '1040 tax return' pipeline.

To tag your new clients, apply one of the ways listed here.

General flow

To set up a targeted communication:

1. Go to Clients > Accounts. Apply a filter or a combination of filters to the client list. 

2. Select all clients in the list and send a bulk communication, such as an email, proposal, chat message or SMS.

3. If you want to reuse this filter in the future, save it as a preset.

Usage examples

Send tax planning advice

Filter: Filter clients by a particular tag (e.g., 'Tags' is 'Small business owner'). If you also have prospects on the client list, you can leave only those clients who have already signed the proposal ('Proposals & ELs' is 'Signed'). 
Action: Send a proactive message about quarterly tax planning, encouraging your clients to stay ahead of tax obligations.

Promote financial planning packages

Filter: Filter high-net-worth clients ('Tags' is 'High net-worth').
Action: Send a personalized proposal for exclusive financial planning packages designed for their unique needs.

Notify clients of tax law updates

Filter: Filter clients impacted by specific tax law changes (e.g., 'Tags' is 'Small business owner' or 'Tags' is 'Self-employed').
Action: Email them about recent tax law changes that may affect their business or personal taxes. Highlight the changes and explain how these laws may impact them.

Introduce services to new prospects

Filter: Filter prospects who haven’t signed any proposals yet ('Proposals & ELs' is not 'Signed') and were added within the last month ('Date created' is 'Last month').
Action: Send a proposal introducing your services and highlighting key offerings. Encourage them to schedule a consultation with you.

Follow up with inactive prospects

Filter: Filter prospects who haven’t logged into the client portal although you invited them to the portal ('Last login' is 'Never').
Action: Send an email or SMS reminding them of your services and inviting them to schedule a free consultation to discuss their tax or financial needs. Personalize the message to make them feel valued and encourage them to take the next step.

Alert clients to changes in fees

Filter: Filter clients by a particular tag (e.g., 'Tags' is '1040').
Action: Send an email notifying them of upcoming changes in service fees, along with an explanation.

Send new client welcome offers

Filter: Filter new clients who have recently signed up ('Date created' is 'Last month').
Action: Send an SMS to welcome them and offer them a discount on your services.

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